
Interactive fiction addict.
I dip fingers into all kinds of fandoms
(currently obsessed with HADES GAME).
I draw, write and do graphic design. Love loud music, books, coffee, and cuddles with animals.


Join for early access art, more sketches and wips, HQ downloads, my original stories, NSFW art, exclusive polls, and longer speed paints.


Support my caffeine addiction and buy me a cup of coffee.


Yes yes, even MORE art here.


Speedpaints, timelapses, all that fun stuff that makes you spend more time on your phone.

Art Tumblr

A little wasteland where I post my art. Not super active, but I'm reachable here if nothing else works.

Moody Tumblr

Reblogging things I like here, mostly aesthetics, photos, art or anything suitable to use as references and inspo in the future.


ONLY 18+ please, as I post and reblog lots of NSFW art here.


Presenting my art like I know what I'm doiiiin~
(under maintenance though)